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Diseases of Unknown Cause

There were only 404 kinds of diseases in the time of our ancestors, but today known diseases are listed in thousands in medical books. And most of them are created as modern diseases of human error by scientists of the world.

Since it is the specialty of PYRO-ENERGEN to treat viral diseases, the list of diseases or illnesses it may reverse could be very long. Only common viral diseases and illnesses are listed here on this book.


    A medical condition affecting joints, causing pain, swelling, and stiffness. Most cases are due to an unknown reason. PYRO-ENERGEN is very effective treatment and most of arthritis-oriented pains could be eradicated within minutes.


    A medical condition in which you become sick or in which your skin becomes red and painful because you have eaten particular foods, touched particular things, inhaled chemicals or pollen, etc.


    A disease of the respiratory system, sometimes caused by allergies, with symptoms including coughing, sudden difficulty in breathing, and a tight feeling in the chest. Most of asthma is due to an unknown cause. It is considered sickness due to allergy. Allergy itself is due to an unknown cause. There are only few cases of inborn.


    A malignant tumor or growth caused when cells multiply uncontrollably, destroying healthy tissue. The different forms are sarcomas, carcinomas, leukemias, and lymphomas. Excepting exposure to radioactive rays, overexposure to sunlight, over intake of toxic chemicals, most of the causes of cancer are unknown.


    A medical disorder that causes the body to produce an excessive amount of urine, especially diabetes mellitus. Many believe that overdose of sugar intake is the cause of diabetes.


    A disorder causing aching muscles, sleep disorders, and fatigue. This is arthritis-oriented disorder causing pain. Medically, the cause is unknown.


    A viral infection causing small painful blisters and inflammation, most commonly at the junction of skin and mucous membrane in the mouth or nose or in the genitals.


    Abnormally high blood pressure caused by over thinking (e.g. due to problem) or unbalanced diet or overwork. It is very seldom due to viral infections. Daily intake of more than 5 cc of vinegar will maintain normal blood pressure within three months. If you will stop vinegar intake, blood pressure will rise again. After three months of vinegar intake, if you like it to be stopped or reduced, you may change it to pure honey at least 10 cc a day daily for a lifetime.


    Inability to fall asleep or to remain asleep long enough to feel rested, especially as a problem continuing over time.


    A tropical disease that mainly affects the skin and nerves and can cause tissue change. Leprosy is transmitted following close contact and has a long incubation period.


    A type of cancer in which white blood cells displace normal blood. This leads to infection, shortage of red blood cells (anemia), bleeding, and other disorders, and often proves fatal. Certain types of childhood leukemias respond well to treatment, which includes drugs (chemotherapy) and radiotherapy. If the cause is due to radioactive properties, overdose of toxicated chemicals, it is quite difficult to be treated medically.


    A serious, sometimes fatal illness in which a viral or bacterial infection inflames the meninges, causing symptoms such as severe headaches, vomiting, stiff neck, and high fever.


    A recurrent, throbbing, very painful headache, often affecting one side of the head and sometimes accompanied by vomiting or by distinct warning signs including visual disturbances. It is also called sick headache.


    An incurable nervous disorder marked by the symptoms of trembling hands, lifeless face, monotone voice, and a slow, shuffling walk. It is generally caused by the degeneration of dopamine-producing brain cells, and is the commonest form of Parkinsonism.


    A chronic skin disorder in which red or deep pink raised patches, covered by white scales, appear on the skin. It usually causes no discomfort but it can get slightly itchy, especially on the scalp or around the anus.


    Any painful condition of the joints or muscles that is not caused by infection or injury. From most cases, pain disappears within few minutes while using PYRO-ENERGEN.

  • SOMNAMBULISM (Sleepwalking)

    A dissociative mental state in which the individual rises from sleep, with little awareness of surroundings, to perform what appear to be conscious motor activities. PYRO-ENERGEN treatment is recommended and very effective. Mostly, from the day patient use, the result is remarkably attained.


    An infectious disease that causes small rounded swellings (tubercles) to form on mucous membranes, especially disease pulmonary tuberculosis that affects the lungs. Presently, it is the worlds’ leading killer. Many cases of tuberculosis are well treated by PYRO-ENERGEN.